When I was a junior-high-school student, a funny thing happened. My school's main entrance straightly leads the way to the back door of the school, so a the Feng-Shui master said that this would bring bad luck to my school. He advised the school to raise animals to eliminate bad luck. Since then, two goats had been raised on campus . This thing is related to Feng Shui. Many Taiwanese believe in Feng Shui. They think Feng Shui is related to one’s business success, health and security.

Feng Shui1.jpg

  【Theory of Feng Shui, the location can bring good luck.】
(Taken from Google Graphics.)

Feng Shui originated in the early times of China. It is an important part of Chinese life. The origin of Feng Shui shows three symbolic meanings.
(1) Feng Shui represents human evolution. People can survive when they develop a good relationship with the natural environment. If people go against nature, they will encounter the crisis of extinction.
(2) Since ancient times, humans have relied on water to survive. They choose to live next to rivers. River is the cradle of ancient civilization. Therefore , water is a very important element in the theory of Feng Shui.
(3) There are not many mountains in the city. If a house has a mountain at its back, the house owner can get some help. When the house faces different directions, the house owner will have different kinds of luck. Chinese believe that Feng Shui of a house can affect the house owner’s life quality and fortune.

  【The Feng Shui master 】
(Taken from Google Graphics.)

When people choose a place to build a house, they need to observe the external conditions and make a right judgment. People need to consider some situations, such as: climate, topography, environment, landscape and taboo. "Wind" refers to air and sunlight; 'water' refers to the rivers and lakes.  The theory of "Feng Shui" emphasizes three important elements in human life: sun, air and water. Feng Shui is a profound and useful subject matter and everyone can study it.

  【People use Eight Diagrams to measure feng shui. 】
(Taken from Google Graphics.)

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